Clockwork Recruiting Blog

Resources to help take your Executive Search firm to the next level of success.

Clockwork Product Team

Clockwork Product Team
The Clockwork product team is always working on improvements to make your retained search projects run even better than before.

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Are You Leveraging Clockwork For Business Development?

Clockwork Product Team - April 22, 2020
Business Development should be a key focus of any business and executive search firms are no exception. Business Development is the means by which your executive search firm can achieve higher long term value and remain a permanent fixture in the industry for years to come.
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Bulk Edit Your People Database

Clockwork Product Team - January 29, 2020
Your data management process at the moment might go something like this:

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Capture Unique Person Record Data Using Custom Fields

Clockwork Product Team - November 7, 2019

When carrying out a search project, it helps to have as much information on a person as possible. The more information you have on a person, the better you’re able to evaluate them as a candidate, and the more data you’ll have to analyze your firm’s People Database.

While Clockwork comes with all of the standard fields you need, some of our customers have specific information they want to track. That’s where Custom Fields come in. When you need to capture specific information about a person, regardless of project or candidate status, Custom Fields allow you to capture this data and use it in a multitude of ways. 

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Focus On The Tasks That Matter With Configurable Project Types

Clockwork Product Team - August 6, 2019

Let’s say for example you're a partner at a firm and you have a long list of clients that you've worked with over the years in the tech sector in the Bay Area. Subsequently, you want to add these folks to an internal project called  “Clients - Tech Indus., Bay Area.” If you're using this list primarily for marketing purposes, you want to label it as such and focus the project for that specific function.

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A Better Way To Conduct Weekly Status Calls In Retained Search

Clockwork Product Team - June 25, 2019

Running regular status calls is an essential component of successful retained search. You come together weekly with your client and team to review completed work, align expectations, and establish next steps for the coming week. This cadence not only keeps your client informed, but it also serves to keep them engaged and providing the necessary feedback you need to keep your search running smoothly and effectively.

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The Best Way to Calibrate Research Progress with Client Expectations

Clockwork Product Team - May 14, 2019

You’re two weeks into a new search. Having set a sound search strategy with your client at the onset of the project, it’s enabled your researcher to make good progress sourcing a solid list of potential candidates. You want to review the progress with your client on your weekly status call but need a better way to present such a lengthy list of candidates. One that’s easy for the client to view and provide feedback in order to keep the project moving forward efficiently and effectively.

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The Eight Stages of Successful Retained Search