The Best Way to Calibrate Research Progress with Client Expectations

You’re two weeks into a new search. Having set a sound search strategy with your client at the onset of the project, it’s enabled your researcher to make good progress sourcing a solid list of potential candidates. You want to review the ...

Here's How Targeted Mailing Lists Benefit Your Executive Search Firm

It’s common practice in executive search for recruiters to send out “success emails” following the placement of a candidate. The purpose of these emails is simple: to alert colleagues, past clients, and also potential clients that you or ...

Your Candidate Flow Just Got A Whole Lot Easier With Grid View

Managing inordinate numbers of candidates throughout a search project can become a logistical nightmare. For each search, researchers and recruiters inevitably have to make countless contact information updates, review work history, ...

Consulting Can Make Or Break Your Executive Search Project

There is more to executive recruiting than quickly finding and placing quality candidates. Yes, finding the right candidate is a key aspect of search, but as an executive recruiter, a huge part of your role is partnering with clients in a ...

Streamline Your Candidate Screening Process Using Research Criteria

In Retained Search, a recruiter’s candidate screening process has a major impact on the progress, duration, and success of search projects. While many methods are used to track and record “scorecards” when sourcing candidates, Clockwork’s ...

Manage Your Search Projects and Deals Pipeline Under One Roof

The responsibility of finding new work and closing new opportunities to keep a business viable and growing is a constant — and critical — focus for search firm owners. This is on top of managing their team, putting out fires if things go ...