Use Clockwork Workflows to Help Keep Your Firm On Track

In today’s environment, where many people and teams are working remotely, letting smaller details and tasks fall through the cracks happens all too often. It doesn’t have to be that way. Using Clockwork’s Workflows feature lets you easily set automated reminders to complete routine tasks that keep your distributed team, projects, and daily operations on track.
Why Workflows?
One of the biggest challenges executive search firms have while working remotely is ensuring data integrity. And in recruiting, the quality of your data directly correlates with the likelihood of the project’s success or failure. Clockwork developed our Workflow tool to enable you to build automated prompts into your process that encourage good user behavior and maintain checks and balances.
Based on your firm’s unique process, Partners and designated Admins can create, view, and edit Workflows that keep your team and projects on track.
Below are a few common examples of how your Firm can benefit from Workflows.
Candidate Rotting Prevention
Here’s a common scenario. In the course of a project, a particular candidate has spent one month in the Interview stage, which is more than the Firm’s status time limit.
To prevent it from happening again, the Admin creates a Workflow that notifies the project team via email and web push notifications if a candidate remains in an advanced stage or status (e.g. Interview) after a period of two weeks.
With this notification, the project team can investigate the issue and take necessary action.
Candidate Follow-Ups
When a project closes, does everyone on your team always follow up with all the candidates who weren’t placed? And does each team member do it in the same expected manner? Or do some email while others call?
To ensure a consistent candidate experience no matter what project they’re on, a Firm’s Partner creates a Workflow that prompts team members to call each candidate who wasn’t placed. Doing so helps maintain a solid, positive candidate relationship so they’re interested in working with the Firm on future projects.
Finance Notifications
Every so often there can be a disconnect between different roles within the Firm. For example, the finance team wasn’t notified when a project was canceled and continued to send invoices to the client, giving the client a negative impression of the Firm.
To ensure this miscommunication doesn’t happen, an Admin created a Workflow triggered whenever a project is marked as Canceled that reminds the project team to inform finance.
Note Prompts
One of the most challenging aspects of working in a distributed team is keeping everyone informed of the latest developments. To help close this communication gap, a Partner created a Workflow triggered whenever a candidate is moved into a new stage. The Workflow prompts the user to add a note giving context and background information, and when it’s saved, it automatically adds it to the candidate’s profile and sends an email to the project team.
These are just a few examples of many different Workflows you can create to help your team and process stay consistently on track. To get started using Workflows in Clockwork, this support article provides a step-by-step guide.
The Eight Stages of Successful Retained Search
- Intro to the Eight Stages of Successful Retained Search
- A.I.'s Future Impact On The Executive Search Process
- Search Firms Are Divided If A.I. Can Intelligently Source and Assess Finalist Candidates
- Search Firms Believe A.I. Will Have Little Impact On Final Stages Of A Search.
- Search Firms See A.I. Supplementing Most Of Their Marketing Efforts
To learn how The 8 Stages of Successful Retained Search are incorporated and supported in Clockwork, read our support documentation. To see it in action, view this playlist of videos.
Clockwork Product Team
The Clockwork product team is always working on improvements to make your retained search projects run even better than before.