The Hidden Costs Of Waiting To Switch Your Search Software
The reality is that even when a firm finds software that will help achieve its goals, there is a chance the decision makers will want to wait before making such a significant investment. This hesitation is understandable; after all, there is a common perception that adopting a new technology platform is disruptive to a team’s established workflow and costly to implement. However, with the right software, the opportunity of a better workflow, happier employees, and revenue growth is much more likely.
Here are some of the most common reasons behind decision to wait:
This software doesn’t solve all our problems, so we’ll wait to find one that does.
True, there is no unicorn software that solves every one of your unique challenges perfectly. If there was, you would have already found it in your initial research. Ask yourself if it addresses most of your needs and challenges, and if it will significantly help you reach most if not all of your goals? If yes, you’re missing a huge opportunity by waiting.
The team won’t want to learn a new tool and/or workflow.
Chances are, the reason you started looking for a new software solution is because some or all of the team are unhappy with various aspects of their workflow. The right software will be intuitive, simple to adopt, and make their jobs easier.
We need to get full consensus to make an investment.
Just as there is no perfect software, you’ll likely never achieve perfect consensus depending on the size of your firm. Instead of consensus, you should be able to achieve alignment, particularly around the firm’s goals. The selection process outlined in this guide is designed to identify those goals and build alignment around them. If you’ve evaluated the software against these goals, you should be confident in proceeding with a decision.
We’ll make a change when business slows down and we have more time.
There will never be a “perfect” time, and this process should have quantified the missed opportunities by not switching. So why not invest in your firm’s growth now?
We need to wait until year-end.
The longer you wait, the greater the opportunity cost. Every month that goes by, you miss out on increased efficiency, effectiveness, and potential revenue. Ultimately, the bottom line is the sooner you invest in positive change, the faster you’ll have a happier team, more satisfied clients, an improved brand, and business growth.
Ultimately, the bottom line is the sooner you invest in positive change, the faster you’ll have a happier team, more satisfied clients, an improved brand, and business growth.
This article is part of a series of best practices found in The Ultimate Buyer's Guide To Executive Search Software. Download the ebook here for more best practices, solutions and insights like the above.
Christian Spletzer
After years of working as an executive recruiter, Christian Spletzer founded Clockwork to improve how search firms and clients work together on retained search projects. He designed Clockwork to help recruiters demonstrate their consultative value to their clients at every stage of each project.